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  • Contributor contains "Branche, Christine (interviewee)"
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Christine Branche interview, 27 October 2016

Christine Branche, originally from Arkansas, moved to Cleveland when she was six. She attended Cleveland Public Schools and excelled in her studies. Her adult life was devoted to promoting the Christian Children's Fund and Head Start around the world. She specifically focused on encouraging parent involvement in their students' education. She raised her family in the Ludlow community and served in the Ludlow Community Association. In full detail she describes the rewards and challenges that the…

Christine Branche Interview, 5 August 2013

This is the second interview with Christine Branche. She discusses the arts and the Ludlow Community Association. She describes the Karamu Theater. Near the end of the interview, she talks about going to various opera houses and taking in wonderful operas with her husband. She spends a great deal of time talking about Ludlow and the efforts of the Ludlow Community Association to preserve a stable, integrated model community.

Christine Branche Interview, 31 July 2013

Christine Branche describes growing up in Cleveland. She also discusses moving in with her husband and the troubles that she underwent in the 1960s. She was a college-educated woman with tremendous drive and passion. She recalls how she was on the student council in nearly every year of her schooling from middle school through college. She eventually found herself in the Ludlow community and has been there ever since. She shares a tremendous story about attempting to secure a housing loan, but…

Christine Branche Interview, 2005

Christine Branche has lived in Cleveland since she was 7 years old. She became part of Trinity Parish in 1951 after she got married. In this 2005 interview she discusses the work of the church in the community and some of the changes in the congregation during her time there. She also discusses growing up in Cleveland.